Here are 3 Softwares That Run Our Business

Here are 3 Softwares That Run Our Business

Your tech stack can make or break your workflow. Here are 3 we use nearly every day.

Davinci Resolve: Incredible video editing tool that for most people won’t cost them a single penny to use. It has industry-level color grading, a sleek and easy-to-use interface, and an advanced effects creation system that is innovative. Sure Adobe is the market leader, but spending over $150 a year at minimum for Adobe is not worth it if all you need is great editing software.

Adobe Photoshop: Okay you caught us red-handed. We use Adobe Photoshop to make exceptionally detailed thumbnails for clients. We DO have a choice here though. You can make fantastic thumbnails and graphic designs in Affinity as well. There are also niche options like GIMP, Canva, and even Figma for this type of work. We just haven’t felt pressed to make the switch from Photoshop… Yet.

Notion: This one may be cheating a little. Sure Notion may or may not classify as a “software” but it is most definitely a “solution”. We use Notion religiously to manage dozens of video projects, tools, team members, and even our personal grocery lists. It is the complete life and business organizer and it is easy to use. Best of all it is very cheap and many people make templates for just about everything you may need. Pro tip: If you want to avoid adding “team members” which raises the price, just add them as a “guest” to whatever pages you want them to see and skip the team member setup option when asked.